Matrox Millennium G450 - English

- 3 people
If you know the download link for the latest driver version for your operating system, please submit it to help other users.

Notes and known issues:

- Before installing this driver, we recommend you uninstall your current display driver using Microsoft Add/Remove Programs. Don't uninstall drivers if products by Matrox Video or Matrox Imaging are installed in your system.

- This driver supports independent and stretched multi-display modes as well as extra display resolutions, including support for custom resolutions

- For more information about independent and stretched mode support for quad-display products for this driver, click here

- This "SE" driver has a standard interface that doesn't require Microsoft .NET Framework software.

- The TV output capability of QID graphics cards is not supported with this driver. TV-out is only supported with a 1.x SE based driver and only in SD and in stretched mode.

- To download the Matrox PowerSpace-SE 2.04 Key Features Guide, click here.
